Samsung S Health

We redesigned Samsung’s health and fitness app to reach a broader audience in simpler ways.


  • Design Research
  • Prototyping
  • User Experience Design
  • Content Strategy
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S Health helps you keep fit by acting as your personal fitness coach.

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Getting Started

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To make the S Health app as welcoming as possible, we minimized barriers to entry.

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Users set their goals and are given tailored advice and target milestones. Once up and running, the app tracks a user's progress.

Tuned to User Needs

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More involved users have the option to further configure their goals or add new ones.

A Personal Health Coach

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Users create personalized health and fitness plans that are as effortless or involved as they desire.

It's easy to add or remove categories from the grid, and all the usual tricks, like measuring the amount of oxygen in your blood, are present and accounted for.

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